Rite and Ritual

 Rite and Ritual
 Meaning "Rite" [Latin]: religious ordinances, ceremonies religion, ceremonies, customs, habits. UK: rite-ritual = Indonesia: "rite", while "ritual" itself is adjective formation in the UK and Indonesia.

- A. Nijk: rites arise because of the awareness of the gaps (lacunae, hiatus), there is something missing, not formulated, but people have to "do something without knowing how to ". So, people were "doing something" by trial and error. What was in the area of ​​awareness and feelings expressed by trying to do something. The first experiment was repeated, and repeated. Repetitive actions often accompanied by a strong devotion. So, be a rite.

- Ronald L. Grimes: a type of behavior that clearly and deliberately distinguished from "normal behavior" that shows a special rule in space and time. Rite is a series of actions that are widely known by members of the culture as a "classic", "normative", "Essential" for proper understanding of the relation with self, world, and the Divine.
Ritual:- Ronald L. Grimes: a blend of several types action, eg. singing, drama, dance.

- Roy Rappoport: a form or structur displayed through a series of formal acts and sayings are not made by the perpetrators. Character is formal (invariant, stylized, repetitive, stereotyped, bound particular time and place), performative (not just a way to express something, but the ritual itself is an aspect of what is being disclosed, different drama [to audiences who saw] the ritual [Need to congregations that participated]), and efficacious (Not only communicate, but also make an impact, an efficacy that is not derived from experience senses and did not refer to the influence of material).

- Catherine Bell (ritual / rite / ritual) is not composed of unique actions that occur only in context of the rite, but a way of acting, a different in ways other act, any type of contrast (eg celebration of the Eucharist = not as a ritual food and drink usual). The difference was strengthened through a variety of strategies.

Social: the period, material, location. Objectives: [1] distinguish means "this" way "it", [2] confirms the values ​​of available from the distinction, [3] gives the participants a "Experience" of the distinction is based on the nature reality (there is a hierarchy of behavior: the higher, moresacred).

- Gerard Lukken: not enough just to say that the ritual contain elements of a symbol (of Things), the symbolic action (Acts), and symbolic language (words), but need to see ritual significance of the functional characteristics: [1] healing and distribution (to give relief, exemptions are not must find its own way; especially when faced crisis situations: death, disasters; but also whenjoy: to manage and channel the emotions); [2] liaison with the past (always been a long time, been There, a childhood memory: now brought back); [3] ethical (donations to non-ritual actions: taken out of self and active in the community); [4] social (Express themselves in ways that people can understand others, to determine the identity of the collective, the community needs ritual in order to truly be a community); [5] petition (Invokatif aspects, inviting outside forces us for help); [6] expressive (even heritage character, ritual also express ourselves; help us to provide face to our experience and to understand themselves itself).

source http://diosdias.wordpress.com


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